Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 11 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


اخر عشرة مواضيع :         حدث في مثل هذا اليوم ميلادي ... (اخر مشاركة : أبــو أحمد - عددالردود : 4593 - عددالزوار : 1300248 )           »          إشــــــــــــراقة وإضــــــــــــاءة (متجدد باذن الله ) (اخر مشاركة : أبــو أحمد - عددالردود : 4138 - عددالزوار : 827913 )           »          جرائم الرافضة.. في الحرمين على مر العصور (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 92 )           »          المستشارة فاطمة عبد الرؤوف: العلاقات الأسرية خير معين للأبناء (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 87 )           »          متابعة للاحداث فى فلسطين المحتلة ..... تابعونا (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 13156 - عددالزوار : 348469 )           »          الحياة الإيمانية والحياة المادية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 154 )           »          وَتِلْكَ عَادٌ... (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 285 )           »          معركة شذونة.. وادي لكة.. وادي برباط (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 289 )           »          أخــــــــــلاق إسلامية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 1 - عددالزوار : 731 )           »          إضاءات سلفية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 9 - عددالزوار : 2796 )           »         

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قديم 03-03-2014, 04:31 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Lunar Eclipse

It’s an amazing and interesting phenomenon. Old people said many myths about it, but fourteen century ago and before NASA scientists Islam told us about this phenomenon ….
Robert Massey an astronomer in the British astronomical assembly announced that “we the scientists don’t value this phenomenon, but many people enjoys watching it “DR Massey had concluded this result after many years of researches and studies.
But for many centuries, people used to consider lunar eclipse and solar eclipse are frightening phenomena. They believed that when solar eclipse happens, it means a dragon swallowed the sun or an important person died or that a dangerous event will occur.
We consider prophet Mohamed “peace be upon him “the first man to put the scientific basis for these phenomena (lunar eclipse and solar eclipse). He said about both of them" sun and moon are just two signs of God be he blessed and they don’t disappear for the birth or death of any one. If you see these phenomena, prayer to God and ask him for relieve” (Agreed).
From the hadith, we understand that the phenomenon of lunar eclipse is not important and has no effect on human or their future. It is just a cosmic phenomenon to indicate that our creator is great and his creation is precise.
How does lunar eclipse happen?
A lunar eclipse is an eclipse which occurs whenever the moon passes behind the earth such that the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.
Lunar eclipse happens at least once a year, and we can see it if we are on the other side of earth which is facing the moon. At this moment if we are sitting on the moon we can see the solar eclipse (earth will be disappeared) because sun will be behind earth but we can see earth is surrounded by a magnificent red ring.

(Each in an orbit floating)(Sûrat Al-Anbiyâ’- verse 33) this scientific fact is responsible for the phenomenon of lunar eclipse. This phenomenon happens when moon passes behind the earth such that the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon
During The phenomenon of lunar eclipse , moon speed is about one kilometer per second and usually it lasts for about one hundred minute .during the partial lunar eclipse we can see the moon as a glowing reddish coppery disk . That glowing is because clouds and dust which obstruct the incoming rays from the moon.
Temperature on surface of the lighted moon by sun is about 130 degree centigrade, so if we put the water on that surface it will boil immediately!!But when earth became between moon and sun (lunar eclipse) temperature on surface of the moon became -99 degree centigrade under zero.

A wonderful photo for phenomenon of lunar eclipse with the glowing reddish color of moon.
Finally we can say that looking at moon during lunar eclipse is safe for our eye which is against looking at sun during solar eclipse as it considered to be very dangerous and may be harmful for eyes. My dears, when we see that phenomenon we can only say Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to you! (Exalted are you above all that they associate with you as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.) (Sûrat آl-‘Imrân - verse 191).
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1. Some researches on NASA website:

قديم 03-03-2014, 04:32 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The Tightened Sky: A Cosmic Sign to Glorify God

God says in one of the great verses in Qur'an: (By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave, truly you are in a doctrine discordant) (Sûrat Al Zâriyât – verse 7-8) this verse tells us about a characteristic in the sky that its weave is tightened, let us read….
Scientists asked a question, what does our universe look like? The reason behind this question is the discovery of many galaxies, so we our not alone in this universe.

The Galaxy is: Any of numerous large-scale aggregates of stars, gas, and dust that constitute the universe, containing an average of 100 billion (1011) solar masses and ranging in diameter from 1,500 to 300,000 light-years. Our Galaxy is the Milky Way. And there is more than 400 billion galaxy in our universe
For many years , scientists believed that these galaxies are distributed randomly, and there is no linking system between all of them , but one year ago a group of scientists from united states, Canada and Germany had launched the greatest computer processing ever happened before with a target to know what does our universe look like . This mission required to designing a huge computer which called the super computer.

The weight of this super computer is more than one hundred thousand kilogram; it needs huge building and it costs a lot of money. This super computer achieve in one second what can be achieved by other computers in ten million years, so that scientists called it supper computer
Scientists had entered data about: more than ten billion galaxy, the cosmic smoke and also about the dark matterin universe , despite the huge speed of this super computer it remained in processing more than one month , the result of these processing is the following image which looks like spider web :

If we look attentively at this photo, it is easy to realize that galaxies are not distributed randomly but in a long accurate weaves and the length of each weave is about hundreds of million of light years .so, those scientists realized that there is a tightened weave in the sky ,therefore they used the term (cosmic web). After that they released an article with title: " How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web ". In this research scientists used the same koranic word (weave), at this moment I realized that the verse talks about this weave as God says By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave)
Elzimkhcri, one of old scholar in explaining meaning of Qur'an (Born in 1074 and died in 1143) said in explaining the meaning of (By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave): that the tailor sews the weave in a professional way (wove it). Also Al-Qurtubi (also an old scholar in explaining meaning of Qur'an) said the same explanations concerning the same verse. But Ibn Katheer (another scholar in explaining meaning of Qur'an) said in explaining the verse By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave) that sky wove by stars. This explanation is identical with what our recent scientists say that universe wove by stars.

If we look attentively at image of the cosmic web, we can see that galaxies are not distributed randomly but in a long accurate weaves with hundreds of million of light years of length. In this photo each galaxy appears as a luminous point and all of these points are distributed galaxies in universe.
Scientists say that this weave was tightened in an accurate manner; also this weave consists of many layers. Here we can realize our God's grandeur in creation the universe as a proof that almighty God who perfected all things, God says: (The Work of Allah, Who perfected all things, verily He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.) (Sûrat an-Naml- verse 88)

The light year is A unit of measurement of astronomical distance .a light-year is the distance light travels in one sidereal year. One light-year is *****alent to 9.461 × 1012 km, or 5.879 × 1012 mi.).Our galaxy contains more than one hundred billion star and its diameter is about one hundred thousand light year so the light needs 100000 light years to cross through our galaxy from one edge to the other one. Scientists estimated size of this universe to be thirty billion light year and that only for the seen part of universe
If we look attentively at word (Tightened) we find that it has many meaning such as:accuracy, strong weave, well tight. That means this weave is strongly tightened and in accuracy. As any weave could be tightened or loosen and may be strong or week. Today scientists say that cosmic web is not an ordinary weave but it is such an accurate weave with strong threads.
Here we have to understand that God used one word to describe the universe where scientists used many words to reach the same meaning.

Cerebral web cosmic web
I noticed a great similarity between cosmic web of universe and cerebral web in human's brain as if we enlarge the nervous cells in our brain; the resulted image (in the left side) will be close to the cosmic web. This leads us to understand and believe in the oneness of the creator be he blessed and exalted. (Allah is the creator of all things, and he the Wakil (trustee, disposer of affairs, guardian) over all things)(AZ-Zumar- verse 62)
Why did God tell us about this reality in his holly book?
Today, scientists are interested in discovering universe and they are motivated by getting knowledge and also because of their curiosity, but in Qur'an every verse has got an aim and target. God says By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave* truly you are in a doctrine discordant (about Mohamed and the Qur'an) * turned aside there from (Mohamed and the Qur'an)is he who doesn't believe and lie with them (the Qur'an and Mohamed as a messenger from Allah))(Surat AD- Dhariyate- verse 7-9) so that people who don't believe in God and claim that this Qur'an is not from God , have troubles in their way of thinking , after that God saysand on earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty* and also in your ourselves . Will you not then see? * and in the sky is your provision and that which you are promised * then by the lord of the sky and the earth, it is the truth just as it is the truth that you can speak) (Surat AD- Dhariyate- verse 20-23)
Here we can understand the target behind telling us about this cosmic reality that is (it is the truth just as it is the truth that you can speak). As God speaks to the atheists: O you the skeptical and atheists who don’t believe that Qur'an is sincere and from God, as you believe that this tightened weave is real and you do believe that you can speak, therefore you have to believe and to be sure that Qur'an is from god. Because there is no human being has the ability to predict with this cosmic web from fourteen century.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

[1] E Papantonopoulos, The Physics of the Early Universe, Springer,2005.
[2] Volker Springel, Professor Carlos Frenk, Professor Simon White, Millennium Simulation – the largest ever model of the Universe, University of Durham, 2005.
[3] Matts Roos, Introduction to Cosmology, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
[4] Robert Sanders, "Dark matter" forms dense clumps in ghost universe, University of California, 05 November 2003.
[5] Michael Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[6] Malcolm S. Longair, The Cosmic Century, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
[7] Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Dark Matter in Astro- And Particle Physics, Springer, 2003.
[8] Neil J C Spooner, Vitaly Kudryavtsev, The Identification of Dark Matter, World Scientific, 2001.
[9] The Age of the Universe, Dark Matter, and Structure Formation, Colloquium on the Age of the Universe St, National Academies Press, 1998.
[10] N Katherine Hayles, Cosmic Web, Cornell University Press, 1984.
[11] Robert A. Simcoe, The Cosmic Web, Americanscientist, Volume: 92 Number: 1 Page: 30, 1.30. 2004.
[12] Maggie McKee, Washington DC, Mini-galaxies may reveal dark matter stream, New Scientist, 12 January 2006.
[13] David Wands, A brief history of cosmology,, March 1997.
[14] Our own Galaxy - the Milky Way, University of Cambridge,
[15] BBC News Onlin, Supercomputer to simulate bomb tests,, 30 June, 2000.
[16] Palle Mّller, Johan Fynbo, Bjarne Thomsen, A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web, European Southern Observatory, 18 May 2001.
[17] Tim Radford, A duplicate universe, trapped in a computer,, June 2, 2005.
[18] Biggest ever cosmos simulation,, 1 June, 2005.
[19] Heather Hasan, How Mathematical Models, Computer Simulations and Exploration Can Be Used To Study The Universe, p134, The Rosen Publishing Group, 2005.
[20] Manolis Plionis, Spiros Cotsakis, Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, Springer, 2002.
[21] J. Richard Bond, Lev Kofman & Dmitry Pogosyan, How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web, Nature 380, 603 - 606 ,18 April 1996.
[22] Gemini, Subaru & Keck, Discover large-scale funneling of matter onto a massive distant galaxy cluster,, 30 June 2004.

قديم 03-03-2014, 04:34 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Amazing Pictures Regarding the Sun Eclipse

Allah Almighty says: “The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses” [Ar-Rahman:5]. Meaning that the sun and the moon run according to an exact calculation with measured out stages for each for reckoning.
This accurate system will not go out of organization until Allah (SWT) inherits the earth and everything on it. The phenomenon of the ecliptic sun is a proof for the universal systems’ accuracy.
It is a phenomenon that witnesses the exactness of the universal system that Allah (SWT) controls. He said: “Everything with Him is in proportion* All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Most Great, the Most High” [Ar-Rad: 8-9]. It is the phenomenon of the ecliptic sun that happens whenever the moon blocks the suns’ light while passing in front of it. Visualizing the ecliptic pictures is one type of worshiping and thinking of Allah’s almighty creation
Allah (SWT) says: “Those who remember Allah standing, sitting, and laying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): ‘Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! Give us salvation from the torment of the fire.’’’ [Al-Imran: 191]. Thinking about the universe invites the believer to be convinced that Allah has not created the universe without purpose. Instead, there is an organized system that is precisely calculated. Thinking about the universe also persuades the believer to ask Allah (SWT): “Give us salvation from the torment of the fire. Perhaps, thinking for an hour regarding the universe is better than worshiping for a year and Allah almighty knows best
Let us sense these wonderful pictures concerning the sun eclipse.
“Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! Give us salvation from the torment of the fire”
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

  • National Geographic
  • NASA

قديم 03-03-2014, 04:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Free Book: Secrets of Universe

In this scientific research, we live with a new sign and amazing miracle and established truths that the Qur'an has spoken about fourteen centuries ago ….
Thanks to Allah who has favored us with the Qur'an and made it a light for us the darks of life. Prayers and a lot of peace are from Allah upon this illiterate prophet for whom the Qur'an was his moral, leader, remedy and light of heart, and upon his family and companions.
It is the best minute that the believer lives when he takes from science a way to the faith in Allah (the Almighty) and the certainty of the greatness of his book and its eternal miracles. The ample scientific and universal facts, that the Qur'an is flowing with, are nothing but a means has been prepared by Allah (TWT) for every believer so that his faith in This Ever-Magnificent Creator will increase. It is also considered a means for the disbeliever to see the light of faith and Qur'an and the truth of Islam-message.
In this scientific research, we live with a new sign and amazing miracle and established truths that the Qur'an has spoken about fourteen centuries ago. Nowadays, the western scientists have come in the twenty –first century to repeat those facts verbatim.
Thus we should not be surprised when we know that the scientists have already started to return back to the use of the same qura'nic expression. This speech has neither exaggeration nor deceit; on the contrary it is a truthful fact that proves - for every one who calls that the Qur'an has not any scientific nor universal miracles - that although the Qur'an is a book descended as guidance and legislation, it is a science book. Therefore, each scientist finds in it a miracle that is suitable for his scientific specialization.
In this series of qur'anic scientific research we will live through a fiducial journey in the zone of the qur'anic verses. We will know how does science coincides with the holy book descended by Allah (Exalted be He).Moreover, we see that the Qur'an exceeds science because the Qur'an is the book of Allah and his everlasting miracle.
Through the scientific universal facts of this research, we sail in some verses that spoke about the building of sky. Recently, science came to assure that the whole universe is a perfect building that has neither vacuity nor confusion or disorder.
Scientists confirm the richness that the universe shows in its perfect building. They also assure their recognition of the universal cosmic web as a perfectly and innovatively woven cosmic web. In addition, they saw the stars and galaxies the same as the pearls that decorate the string.
This great verse assures that the sky is a building. We will see this in detail in the coming paragraphs of this book.
Concerning the universal cosmic web has been mentioned by the Qur'an as Allah (Exalted be He) says while swearing by the sky:
And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks Surat Ath-Thariyat (The Winnowers) verse no. 7
Thus the scientists have managed very recently to see the universe through magnifying measures and it appeared exactly as a tightly-woven cosmic web. Thus we find that the most accurate description for the scenery that the scientists see recently is the holy verse: "And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks". Blessed is Allah, the Creator of this universe and the Creator of this interwoven cosmic web.
Moreover, we will see the qur'anic description of the universal smoke in one of the universe building- stages. The scientists have proven- using the decisive evidence and the laboratory analysis for some clouds gas atoms taken from the outer space- that the most accurate description for those atoms is the word “smoke”. Here, the greatness of the Holy Qur’an -that precedes the scientists in the usage of this noun –appears in Allah (the Exalted) saying:
Thereafter He leveled Himself (How He did so is beyond human understanding) to the heaven (while) it was smoke, then said to it and to the earth, “Come up (you two) willingly (Or: in obedience) or unwillingly!” They (both) said, “We come up willingly.” Surat Fussilat (Expounded) verse no.11
We have two miracles in this verse: the first one is the qur'anic speech about the smoke in one of the developmental stages of the universe building. This is what is assured nowadays by the scientists. The second miracle is the qur'anic speech about the sky sound during that stage, which is coinciding with what the scientists have recently discovered i.e. the universe in its beginning after the great explosion has transmitted sound waves.
The existence of those scientific and newly discovered facts -in a book descended fourteen centuries ago- is a material evidence that the Qur'an is the speech of Allah (Exalted is He). Also, it is evidence that the Qur'an is a book that is suitable for every time and every place. Most of the suspicious about the book of Allah (Exalted is He) are nowadays claiming that the Qur'an is not suitable for our time under the pretense that the verses, which spoke about the universal phenomena, are not correct from the scientific viewpoint.
Therefore this research is considered a step on the road of correcting their view. The facts, which we will see and we will depend in their explanation on their scientists’ statements in NASA space agency, are considered the best proof on the perfect coincidence between what the scientists have reached today and what has been mentioned in the book of Allah (the Almighty) hundreds of years ago.
I hope that this qur'anic scientific series be a means for the believer to remember the greatness of the book of his Lord (Glorified and Exalted is He) and a means to guide the disbeliever in order to know that the Qur'an is the truth. Allah (Exalted is He) says:
And that the ones who were brought knowledge may know that it is the Truth from your Lord, (and) so they believe in it; then their hearts be venerating to Him; and surely Allah indeed guides the ones who have believed to a straight Path. Surat Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) verse no.54
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 03-03-2014, 04:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The Greatness of the Universe

It is the best minute that the believer lives when he takes from science a way to the faith in Allah (the Almighty) and the certainty of the greatness of his book and its eternal miracles.….

There are numerous varieties of galaxies swimming in the universe and form building blocks in this vast cosmos. Moreover, there are hundreds of billions of galaxies or blocks in the seen cosmos. Inspite of this fact, those galaxies represent about 5% of the cosmic building and the rest 95% is dark and unseen matter. Each galaxy of those ones has more than a hundred thousand million stars! Glorified is He the Creator of that magnificent building!

The Cosmos as it appears through the modern telescopes. The stars, clouds gas and cosmic smoke appear in the figure. It is the greatness of the Creator (Exalted and Blessed is He). It is a perfect building that has no disturbance, space, gaps or fissures. This dignified scenery should be a means for the more faith in the Creator (Exalted and Blessed is He) and the more fear of His punishment. How it shouldn’t be as He says about His servant believers what follows: "The ones who remember Allah, upright and seated and on their sides, and meditate upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, in no way have You created this untruthfully. All Extolment be to You! So protect us from the torment of the Fire!" Surat Al Imran (The House of Imran) verse no.191

Galaxies are decorating the cosmos the same as the pearls are decorating the string. In this figure, the far galaxies appear in their real colors the same as the decoration. The Qur'an has spoken about this scenery long centuries ago before the scientists see it in the saying of Allah (Blessed is He): "Have they not then looked at the heaven over them, how We have built it, and adorned it, and (how) in no way has it any rifts?" Surat Qaf verse no.6

The light passes about 300 thousand kilometers in the single second and it passes about 9.5 trillion kilometers in a complete year. In addition, the galaxy that lies billion light years far from us, its light needs billion years to reach us. During that period of time, the light of this galaxy passes s distance of 9.5 thousand million million million kilometers.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Source: NASA - ESO
قديم 03-03-2014, 04:38 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

And (by) the Heaven Comprising Interwoven Tracks

We are going to discuss the very recent discovery of the cosmic web. The Holy Qur’an refers to this web.….
We’ll discuss the way how the galaxies and their assemblies are forming a tight web the same as the interwoven filaments. We’ll speak about how The Holy Qur’an refers to this web in the saying of Allah (Exalted is He): "And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks", Surat Ath-Thariyat (The Winnowers) verse no.7
We’ll see that The Quran is coinciding with the stable and absolute scientific facts. This coincidence proves that The Qur'an is the Book of Allah and that this book is miraculous from the scientific and cosmic viewpoints.
We are going to depend on the most West scientists who have discovered this web and composed the researches in that topic. We’ll depend also on the recently published researches those researches that are documented by the most important astronomy websites such as NASA website.
Allah (Exalted is He) is describing the sky while saying: And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks, I’ve read this verse years ago and repeated it many times before, trying to get the meaning of the word (interwoven tracks).This word indicated (the tight textile) for me.
Explanation of the term: “The interwoven tracks”
I’ve returned back to the interpretations of the commentators on the Qur'an. (May the mercy of Allah be upon them). I‘ve found most of them understood that the expression “interwoven tracks”means the tightly interwoven, strong and perfect textile. In addition, they said that His saying And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks means that it has a beautiful shape, tightness, decoration and tracks.
We have a commentary said by the imam Alqortoby (May the mercy of Allah upon) who has expanded his explanation to the degree that it included seven meanings of this expression interwoven track that is mentioned in the saying of Allah (Exalted is He) And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks. He says that in the interpretation of the word [alhobok] interwoven track seven meanings: the first one said by Ibn Abbaas, Qitadah and Mijahed: the good and straight creation. Ikrema also said “don’t you see the weaver when he weaves the dress and made it tightly; it said that the dress is tightly woven which means perfectly woven. Moreover Ibn Ala’araby said every thing that is accurately and perfectly done is said to be tightly woven.
The second meaning is the adorned. This view is said by Alhasan and Said bin Jobeir. Alhassan also said the third meaning i.e., which has stars. The fourth meaning is said by Alfarraa which says that the word (alhobok) means that it breaks every thing such as the sand it the silent winds passes by it and the raised water if the wind passed by it. The fifth meaning is that it has some sort of firmness, this view has been said by Ibn Zaid and he recited the words of Allah: And We have built above you seven strong (heavens)Surat An-Naba (The Tidings) verse no.12 and he said that the tightly done is the strongly created such as the horse and the like.
It is narrated in the Hadith that Aishaa (may Allah be pleased with her) was used to tighten her dress under the veil during the prayer, which means that she was used to pull the dress and fasten it.
The sixth meaning means thick or heavy. We use this word to describe the face which means brazen. The seventh meaning is that the tracks is a word that expresses the galaxy in the sky and it is called so because it has the effect of the numerous things.
Where is this web?
I was wondering, where is this interwoven web in the sky as we don’t see something except for the stars and the planets? I searched for the answer in the references that are specific for the astronomy and the cosmos structure; I found nothing that refers to the concept of “web’ at that time.
This verse has been kept in my memory for many years and they still didn’t have any accurate explanation, till some days before writing this research. At that time, I was searching in some international websites for the cosmos structure, and what they have reached of the steady and absolute facts concerning the sky. I’ve got a great surprise when I read about a piece of news that has been published by the European Southern Observatory through its website; the article was titled: "A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web".
When I read the first lines of this article I realized that the Holy Qur'an has preceded these scientists by fourteen centuries in the mentioning of this cosmic web and called it “the interwoven tracks”. Not only did Allah (Exalted is He) mention it, but also He swore by it.
The linguistic indication of the term (interwoven tracks)
The task cannot be handled with simplicity, because we are dealing with the book of Allah; and the interpretation of something from the book of Allah without any knowledge may lead the commentator to Hell and expose him to the anger of Allah (the Almighty). Therefore, I’ll never bear on a verse of the book of Allah a meaning that cannot be actually implied in it.
Moreover, I cannot direct myself towards a new understanding for this verse or another of the verses of Allah (Exalted is He), without the
condition of getting certainty that Allah (Exalted is He) means exactly that meaning.
In addition to that the hastiness in the interpreting one of the Qur’anic verses depending upon some scientific theories; their failure may be proved in the future can touch the majesty of the book of Allah. Also, it can be a means in the hands of the enemies of Islam to degrade it of that True religion aiming at doubting the scientific miracle of the Holy Qur'an.
Therefore, it was necessary to seek information in the Arabic ******** in which the Holy Qur'an has been descended, and to search for the semantics of this word, and this is what I’ve done. Thus, after a journey through the linguistic dictionaries, I’ve found that the term has come from the verb [habak](interweave); and the Arabs say that “ the weaver has interwoven the dress” which means “has woven’. Also, when they say that “the tailor has interwoven the dress” it means that he has well sewn it, tightened and fastened it. In addition, the term [hobok] (tracks) is the plural of the word [habikah] i.e. the road.
Through these linguistic semantics of this term, we can see that the word [hobok] (interwoven tracks) imply some essential meanings that are related to the web and the perfectly interwoven filaments that are tightened to each other. Whereas the commentators (may the mercy of Allah be upon them) didn’t realize the dimensions of that meaning because they were not acquainted with the modern astronomy during their age. Furthermore, the cosmic web is considered a very recent idea whose date goes back to only some years.

An increasingly enlarged picture for the cosmic web as it appears through the greatest computerized process in the twentieth centuries. The filaments that we see looking like the woven web are, in fact, billions of galaxies that are rowed and arranged in a perfect shape; and this is what the Qur’an has called “the interwoven tracks” and swore by this web saying: "And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks" Surat Ath-Thariyat (The Winnowers) verse no.7
A new surprise
As a result to the understanding of the previously-mentioned linguistic meaning, I’ve realized that the shape of this cosmic web must be like the web of interwoven strings that are connected to each other. The second surprise was when I saw the picture of that web photographed by the hugest computer. It was exactly a web of interwoven strings that are connected to form a marvelous and perfect web that proves the majesty of the Creator (Glorified is He).
The new pictures show us the cosmic web as it was drawn by the super computer sets for the first time in the twenty-first century. It contains hundred billions of galaxies and each galaxy contains hundred millions of stars. The shining dots represent the assemblies of huge galaxies. All of them has been arranged by Allah (Exalted is He) in this vast cosmos through a marvelous web structure like the interwoven web. Moreover, He swore by it saying And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks, Surat Ath-Thariyat (The Winnowers) verse no.7
But this scientific article about the features of the universal web is not enough at all. It may be a theory only, not a scientific fact. Being a believer, I should get certainty of any new information and become convinced of its truthfulness to build my belief upon right scientific bases. Therefore, I started reading hundreds of researches about the cosmic web and the cosmic filaments, and all of them have been published some years ago. I’ve found that all the scientists assure this fact; moreover it is one of the most important, clear and certain facts in the twenty-first century.

Another picture for the cosmic web in which the shining dots represent the places of galaxies assemblies. They appear the same like the knots that are relating the filaments to each other. It seems that we are watching web strings that are tightly and very accurately interwoven. Would you contemplate, dear reader, the holy verse And (by) the heaven comprising interwoven tracks, doesn’t it give an accurate description for this picture that has cost millions of dollars?!
More meanings & indications
After seeing this web produced by the digital equations and the pictures drawn by the computer, I’ve realized that the Qur'an has frankly spoken about the cosmic web that the West scientists, nowadays, are boasting of being the first people to speak about it.
But there are still more meanings and indications. Before starting in the contemplation in the wealthy meanings that this verse bears, we should contemplate first what has been discovered by the researches of the twenty –first century in the field of cosmic sciences.
The scientists have discovered in the few past years, that what we see in this universe is less than 5% only of it. And that more than 95 % of it is composed of unseen matter that we cannot see i.e. the “dark matter”.
We can see in the pictures the dark matter that is represented in this cosmic web by the black color. It is the matter that fills the space between the galaxies and controls the distribution of the matter in the seen cosmos. This picture has been drawn by the super computer and each dot in it represents an assembly of thousands of galaxies and maybe millions of them. So try to contemplate the greatness of the universe and the majesty of the Creator of this universe who has innovated this marvelous web!
Also, remember with me the saying of the Truth (Blessed and Glorified is He): Yet no, I swear by whatever you behold, And whatever you do not behold, SuratAl-Haqqah (The Inevitable Truth) verses no.38, 39
Thus the Qur'an has told us that there are unseen things, moreover it has swore by it that the Qur'an is truth. Doesn’t this verse include an indirect hint to the dark matter that is discovered by the scientists today?
The astronomers use the same terms of the Qur’an
The question is: how could the West scientists discover the dark matter without seeing it? And how have they discovered the cosmic web? Yet, how did this term come from although they didn’t read the Qur'an?
Hence, it was necessary to go through a new searching journey in the latest discoveries of that field. And again I’ve got an amazing surprise when I read a confirmation, said by one of the scientists who discovered this web and saw it for the first time, saying that We have little doubt that for the first time, we are here seeing a small cosmic filament in the early universe. Moreover, they say the following statement verbatim: we see it at a time when the universe was only about 2 billion years old;Astronomers can (see) the distribution of matter in the early universe.
What has attracted my attention is that the scientists use the word (see) moreover they put it between two brackets to indicate that this word is newly used; taking into consideration that the actual web that they see pictures for dated back to 13 billion years!
After a lot of thinking about the reason for which the scientists insist on seeing the features of this web, I’ve remembered the saying of the Truth (Exalted is He) while addressing those disbelievers of His noble book: And have not the ones who disbelieved seen that the heavens and the earth were an integrated (mass), then We unseamed them? Surat Al- Anbiya (The Prophets) verse no.30
Glorified is Allah! (The Almighty) who says: (And have not seen) and they say: we see as if they are unconsciously repeating the words of Allah (Exalted is He)! Moreover Allah says the ones who disbelieved) whereas they confess their apostasy and disbelief in the Qur'an.
In addition, Allah (Exalted is He) defines the tense in His saying (were) which means the past tense and they say “the early universe”. Also, Allah says (mass) while they confess that they started to see the first filament of the cosmic mass saying: a small cosmic filament. Isn’t it a qur'anic miracle in which every believer should think? Not only should he think, but also he should be proud of this great book that is truly the book of wonders and facts and not as they claim the book of legendaries and fables.
Would they then not believe?
This qur'anic miracle is addressing the disbelievers and claiming that they are going to see the cosmic mass that was in the beginning of the universe which actually happened with the use of their equipments and machines.
Facing this miracle, cannot the disbelievers get confirmed that the Qur'an has been descended by Allah Who has created them, prepared this discovery to be done by them and told them about it fourteen centuries before its occurrence? They have already discovered the beginning of this web and began to see the features of these cosmic filaments. In spite of this fact, they are still searching for the cosmic mass; therefore we find the divine statement in the following noble verseasking them: Would they then not believe???
As we know from the Arabic ******** dictionaries that the word [ratq] (patch) means the (repair) and the word [fatq] (slash) means to (tear).
Both words include a clear hint to the web. The question now is: Don’t these scientists repeat this verse although they didn’t read it?
Furthermore, when the Qur'an states that the universe was a patch i.e. a tightly woven web the same as the impenetrable block, we see that the scientists of this age firmly assure that they are seeing this web in the early stages of the cosmos development!!
Not only do they confirm that view, but also these scientists do not doubt at all the existence of this web. Their belief in this conviction reached the extent that they began to ask about the manner by which these great cosmic filaments were interwoven. Please contemplate with me this web that has been drawn by the computer using three- dimensional screen and describing a big part of the seen universe, in which we clearly notice that what we see of this universe is extremely less than what we don’t see.
Absolute scientific facts
Now we should know the manner by which the astronomers get confirmed of the existence of this web. The story begins when the cosmos scientists started to draw maps for the stars and galaxies and they observed the existence of some zones in which the galaxies are assembled in what is called “galaxy clusters”. They have also found that the cosmos contains more than two hundred thousand million galaxies.
When they got the facility of using the great accounting processes with the use of super computer, the scientists thought of feeding this huge computer with all the necessary information. The information contained all the digital data concerning the position of the galaxy and its farness from us being accounted with the use of the light-years and their radiation degree. In addition, the information included certain data concerning the huge galaxy assemblies and other information concerning more than million galaxies.
When the computer achieved the digital processes, the resulted picture was the same like the web; therefore the scientists call it the cosmic web.
And now…
If we directed a question to these scientists who have discovered this complex web and spent millions of dollars in the cause of drawing this cosmic picture and saying: What’s your opinion in that what you are discovering in the twenty-first century has been mentioned by a book that existed since the seventh century?
They would hasten to say that it is impossible. Their reason is that the prediction of the existence of the cosmos web structure and the discussion of the “Big Bang” theory needs magnifying lenses and telescopes that are distributed all over the world. It also needs thousands of researchers to draw plans for millions of galaxies, define their positions andanalyze their spectra. This task will need the use of huge super computer sets and a lot of expenses and these possibilities didn’t exist before the end of the twentieth century, so how could a man predict such a web??
Responding to such an inquiry, we say yes your view is right if the Qur'an has been composed by a man, but this Qur'an is the speech of the Lord of all humanity (Blessed and Exalted is He)! So, can’t your hearts submit in front of this miracle that is considered a material evidence of the truthfulness of the Book of Allah (the Almighty) and the truthfulness of Islam message?
Therefore let’s listen to this divine statement: And in no way could this Qur’an have been fabricated, apart from Allah; but it is a (sincere) verification of what is before it (Literally: between its two hands) and an expounding of the Book. There is no suspicion about it, (it is) from The Lord of the worlds.Surat Yû‍nus (Jonah) verse no.37
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

[1] E Papantonopoulos, The Physics of the Early Universe, Springer,2005.
[2] Volker Springel, Professor Carlos Frenk, Professor Simon White, Millennium Simulation – the largest ever model of the Universe, University of Durham, 2005.
[3] Matts Roos, Introduction to Cosmology, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
[4] Robert Sanders, "Dark matter" forms dense clumps in ghost universe, University of California, 05 November 2003.
[5] Michael Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[6] Malcolm S. Longair, The Cosmic Century, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
[7] Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Dark Matter in Astro- And Particle Physics, Springer, 2003.
[8] Neil J C Spooner, Vitaly Kudryavtsev, The Identification of Dark Matter, World Scientific, 2001.
[9] The Age of the Universe, Dark Matter, and Structure Formation, Colloquium on the Age of the Universe St, National Academies Press, 1998.
[10] N Katherine Hayles, Cosmic Web, Cornell University Press, 1984.
[11] Robert A. Simcoe, The Cosmic Web, Americanscientist, Volume: 92 Number: 1 Page: 30, 1.30. 2004.
[12] Maggie McKee, Washington DC, Mini-galaxies may reveal dark matter stream, New Scientist, 12 January 2006.
[13] David Wands, A brief history of cosmology,, March 1997.
[14] Our own Galaxy - the Milky Way, University of Cambridge,
[15] BBC News Onlin, Supercomputer to simulate bomb tests,, 30 June, 2000.
[16] Palle Mّller, Johan Fynbo, Bjarne Thomsen, A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web, European Southern Observatory, 18 May 2001.
[17] Tim Radford, A duplicate universe, trapped in a computer,, June 2, 2005.
[18] Biggest ever cosmos simulation,, 1 June, 2005.
[19] Heather Hasan, How Mathematical Models, Computer Simulations and Exploration Can Be Used To Study The Universe, p134, The Rosen Publishing Group, 2005.
[20] Manolis Plionis, Spiros Cotsakis, Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, Springer, 2002.
[21] J. Richard Bond, Lev Kofman & Dmitry Pogosyan, How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web, Nature 380, 603 - 606 ,18 April 1996.
[22] Gemini, Subaru & Keck, Discover large-scale funneling of matter onto a massive distant galaxy cluster,, 30 June 2004.

قديم 03-03-2014, 04:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles


When astronomers peer into space, they see a spidery network along walls and filaments….
In the largest calculation of its type, Max Planck astronomers and their colleagues within an international consortium have used a T3E supercomputer to study how the matter in a large fraction of the whole observable Universe evolved into the complex web of walls and filaments discovered in recent galaxy maps.
Observations indicate galaxies are distributed in a filament-dominated web-like structure. Numerical experiments at high and low redshift of viable structure formation theories also show filament-dominance. The web is largely defined by the position and primordial tidal fields of rare events in the medium, with the strongest filaments between nearby clusters whose tidal tensors are nearly aligned.

This is our universe as it appear after the largest computer simulation, every point in this picture is a galaxy! Each galaxy contain more than hundred billion stars!! We can only say: Subhana Allah.
The filamentary distribution of galaxies connecting galactic clusters are formed by the dynamic evolution of correlation bridges between the galaxies. Clusters that are at a distance less than the mean cluster separation distance have strong correlation bridges. Numerical simulations show that the web of filaments that describes the final state of the galaxies occurs even in the initial density fluctuations. The pattern of the cosmic web is dependent on the rare density peaks in the initial fluctuations. Superclusters of galaxies are cluster-cluster bridges linked by the filaments.
The amazing thing the Holy Quran has mentioned this discovery 1400 years ago! Allah The Almighty said: "By the sky with its fabrics" [51/7]. The old explanation of this verse was: "By the sky with its pathes" because they did not understand the word "fabric" i.e "Al-Hobok". So we can today understand this verse well. The word "Al-Hobok" means "fabrics" and we can see this cosmic web clearly.
This verse is a clear proof that the Quran is the Book of God.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1- For the first time a computer simulates the evolution of a large fraction of the whole observable Universe,
2- How Filaments are Woven into the Cosmic Web, Nature, Vol. 380, pp. 603,
3- A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web,

قديم 03-03-2014, 04:40 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Cosmic Hammers

In this research the greatness of the piercing star which God swear by it will become clear, as he called it the hammer. Scientists in the 21 Century uses the same name, let us see….

Historical facts

For thousands of years mankind studied the sky and looked attentively at stars , planets and flaming fires , people used their eyes after that they used the magnifying lens to explore depths of the universe, but their sight remained limited , till the twenty century when they used a new eyes which are the giant telescopes . Then they used telescopes that works with a new method which is different from the visual methods that depends on eyes, as they used radio waves, infrared, X-rays and gamma rays, etc… to see what eye can't see.

At this moment, scientists started to discover secrets of universe, so they discovered galaxies and inside each galaxy a hundreds of billions of stars! and they discovered cosmic smoke the cosmic dust , also they discovered many kinds of stars and the development phases of these stars .they found that when the star is born , it grow up to become elderly to die and explode and fall on himself !

Also, one of wonders of cosmic discoveries what was called by scientists the Neutron stars, and that was in 1933 as an idea of the two scientists Fritz Zwicky and Walter Baade , when they found by calculations that universe contains ordinary stars and Neutron stars as these stars composed of small particles which are neutrons.

Through forty years, scientists started a search journey for these attractive stars, till 1967 when Jocelyn Bell and Anthony Hewish started to observe the sky for a long time and finally they became able to record emitted radio waves from these stars. but the certain scientific prove came at the late twentieth century when scientists became able to take pictures for these stars to study it deeply, where they became sure that it exists in universe in large amounts. [1]

Giant hammers

When scientists started to record the incoming radio waves from far space , at the beginning they sought it is a message from unknown creatures , but they discovered that these signals are just the sound of a very organized strokes, it was like someone is knocking several knocks each second [2]. At the beginning they sought this star is pulsing like a human heart , so they called these stars " The pulsars " but it was obvious that the sound looks like hammering

, so they called it ''gigantic hammer'' which knocks like a bell [3]!

How are these stars formed?

Each star has a start and has an end, when the weight of the star became larger almost one and a half time than weight of sun ,and when the life of that star pass away and became running out of fuel it start to collapse and goes into what looks like dissolution ,as electrons became not able to stay in its orbit around the atom , so it became forced to penetrate the atom and melt in protons to form neutrons that generates heat of more than million of million degree centigrade, so this star transfers to be a Neutron star with a weight of more than 400 million of million of kilograms!

(Figure 1) The star explodes like this and falls down on itself and start to form the pulsating Neutron star in its center to release pulses like a hammer. Source: the American space agency NASA.

A piercing radiation

Scientists confirm that these stars emits great and shining radiation, in 1979 scientists had recorded the most brighten radiation in the sky caused by a piercing neutron star , as this star had emitted a huge amount of gamma rays which is the most powerful kind of rays , it emits in 0.2 second an amount of piercing radiation which are equal to the emitted rays from the sun in 1000 year ! ! ! Scientists said that they didn't see anything with that power and shine before [4]!!

(Figure 2)An Imaginary picture for a neutron star that emits the most powerful piercing radiation ever discovered till now. Source

Piercing star in numbers

The neutron star is a star which is slightly heavy than the sun and is running out of its Nuclear fuel ,and is no longer able to flame , so it started to shrink on itself and fall down toward the center of the star which cause its compression and the disassembly of its atoms by the huge gravity to protons and electrons and then these bodies merge to transfer to be neutrons , but the nucleus became in a different status as the iron atoms inside it start to be formed , you can imagine a huge ball of iron surrounded with a condensed liquid of neutrons , simply that is the neutron star [5].

The neutron star is about 1.4 to 5 times weight of the sun and if its weight is larger than that, it will be transferred to a black hole.. The radius of the star is about 10 to 20 kilometers.

So if we have a neutron star with a weight 1.4 of the sun weight and a radius of 15 kilometers, and if we know that the weight of sun is 2 beside 30 zeros kilogram , which is two thousand billion billion billion kilogram , so weight of that neutron star is 2,8 thousand billion billion billion kilogram , with a small calculation we conclude that each cubic centimeter of that star has a weight of 200 thousand million kilogram [6]!!

(Figure 3) A figure to represent the neutron star, showing its dimension and mass. Scientists says that surface of that star is so smooth and it consists if iron, so if we say that this star looks like a hammer that would be an accurate simile from the scientific point of view Source:

we can imagine if we got a very small needle from that Piercing star , its weight would be 200 million kilogram , if we put this Piercing neutron needle on earth it would penetrate it !!So what could happen if we got a star with a diameter of 20 kilometer? We have to realize the hugeness and grandeur of these stars and its importance in the sky; these are one of god verses to show the greatness of the Creator be he blessed and Exalted.

Accurate cosmic watches!

These stars are turning in a very high speed, to be a hundreds of turns each second, they are so accurate so it can be used to be an accurate cosmic watches. Its turning generates very powerful magnetic field equals to one thousand million double of the magnetic field of earth.

(Figure 4) The reason we hear these knocks is the huge turning speed of these stars around its center, during the turning of the star it gives regular knocks and emits radiations. This can pierce any thing, so turning of these stars causes knocking and piercing.

It pierces anything

In United States and Europe scientists observed the attracting waves issued by the Piercing stars, they said if the light can hit the physical barriers but it can't penetrate it , the emitted huge attracting waves by the Piercing star can penetrate anything , even our bodies as these waves penetrate us every moment but we don't feel with that. [7]!

There are very precise particles emitted by these stars in large amounts during its formation after the explosion of the original star, it called ' Neutrino' scientists says that [8]:

"Neutrinos are electrically neutral, virtually mass-less elementary particles that can pass through miles of lead unhindered. Some are passing through your body as you read this".

This means that neutrons are particles with no charge and has no mass, these primitive particles penetrate the lead for many miles and nothing can obstruct it.

It penetrates your body just now while you are reading this article!!!

(Figure 5) Each moment earth and people are exposed to very tiny cosmic particles like Neutrino, these particles are emitted from the cosmic hammers during its formation, it penetrate atmosphere of earth, seas and mountains. Scientists have found a trace for these particles in the deep sea and in the lowest reached point underground, scientists tells us that neutrons which are particles with no charges and no mass can penetrate and pierces a layer of several kilometers of thickness of lead, where all other bodies are able to penetrate only several meters of lead, so the best scientific name for that star is ''The Piercing star ''

The iron hammer

Scientists defines these creatures as [9]: ''Their surface is solid crystalline iron, and would ring like a bell were it to be hit with a hammer". It was a wonder when I knew that scientists have found that these stars consists of many layers and the heart of these stars are formed of iron , and during the formation of these stars the iron Nucleus knock on these layers like a hummer as they says in a study [10]:

"In the star, the outer layers of the core are like the hammer, and the core is the rubber ball".

Scientists confirm that there is an internal knock inside the star and outside knock due to the rotation of the star as an emitted organized knocks reach earth like a radio waves .it means that scientists believe in a continues knocks like bell knocking .

Sound of the cosmic hammer

To explore these stars scientists record the generated explosions from it then they analyze it to know the internal structure of the star , exactly the same as what Earth scientists do in measuring earthquakes and record earth vibrations to realize the internal structure of earth and its layers.

Professor Richard Rothschild from California University [11] who studied these beautiful bodies for a long time tells us about one of these stellar explosions and says:

"This explosion was akin to hitting the neutron star with a gigantic hammer, causing it to ring like a bell,"

Scientists had recorded the sound of these stars and we can hear the sound of this giant cosmic hammer as this giant hammer rotate 30 turn per second and the one knock takes 0.715 second.

This sound emits from one of the brightest stars in universe, as its light Pierce the sky, its Radius is up to 10 kilometer with a larger weight than the sun weight [12].

Press here to hear the knocker. Source:

Amazing miracles of Qur'an

One of the greatness of the book of god be he exalted is that this book dealt with many of the amazing cosmic facts, talk is about a great creature so god swear with it as god be he exalted swear with many of great stars in says: "By the heaven, and At-Târiq . And what will make you to know what At-Târiq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness;"[At-Târiq verse 1-3]

Explainers of Qur'an were confused to explain these noble verses but they agreed that god swear with a very bright and shining stars , at that time it was all what they know . But in our era with all of these developments in astronomy, the best scientific explanation for these verses is that it talks about the neutron stars.

Science may be developed more and more to enable us to discover new things. But the Qur'an will be the eternal miracle.

Someone may say how could we know that the Piercing star is the neutron star? We can identify and summarize some miracles in the verse as the following:

1. from the previous certain facts we can realize that the most important two characteristics of the neutron stars as explained by astronomy scientists are: the continuous and organized knocking , also emitting an attracting waves which penetrate and pierce any thing and that what the Qur'an said in only two words {At-Târiq(the knocker), piercing}.

2. Knocking in Arabic ******** is to knock with a hammer, so is the knocking of these stars real and audible? Scientists confirm that these knocks are real and are not figurative. Also scientists says that these stars emits a sound like a hammer, with a frequency of many hundreds of hertz, so the human ear can hear it, but because the sound needs a medium , and that medium is not existed in space , so these sounds can't directly reached us but it reach us in the form of radio waves and these radio waves can be returned again to its real vibrations which makes the sound like the knocking on the form of an organized knocks .

3. In Arabic dictionary, piercing is penetrating, so how can this star pierce and penetrate things? One of the neutron's characteristics is that it is the most heaviest part of the atom and is neutral with no charge as it is neither negative nor positive , so it can penetrate the atom , so scientists use the neutron to smash down the nucleus of the atom .so the best description for the neutron : it easily pierce and penetrate things , so from the scientific point of view the word (piercing ) is suitable to describe the neutron stars .

Also, these knocking stars emits very tough attracting waves which can penetrate anything in universe including human bodies , as every moment there are an attracting waves that emits our bodies without our feeling , so the name ( the piercing ) fit the emitted waves by these stars .

4. Scientists consider these stars as one of the wonders of universe and one of the most

Beautiful Stars, as it regularly and intermittently emits radio and work like beacons in

The sky! Here we can realize why god swears with it in the Qur'an.

5. Scientists says :" these stars are considered to be the best clocks ever known by human , so we can call it the giant cosmic clock, here we can ask a question: what is the relation between At-Târiq (the knocker) and the protector in god says: (By the heaven, and At-Târiq And what will make you to know what At-Târiq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness. There is no human being but has a protector over him (or her) (i.e. angels in charge of each human being guarding him, writing his good and bad deeds) [At-Târiq verse 1-4].

In the explanation of the meaning of Qur'an and in explaining the meaning of (There is no human being but has a protector over him (or her)) it means there are angels in charge of each human being guarding him, writing his good and bad deeds to account him in day of resurrection.

So what is the relation between the piercing star and the protector who keeps and writes all human works? God assigned an angle to count our good and bad works and one of the major characteristics of that angle is the accuracy in counting as he never forget anything.

Here we know that these stars are very accurate and scientists says that these stars are the most accurate clocks ever known that work with no mistake!! as if god wants to alert us to a cosmic reality which is the accuracy of these stars , also the angle who record what we do is very accurate and don't make a mistake.

(Figure 6) The pulsating stars are one of the fastest rotating stars in universe and it produce huge attracting waves which penetrate time and place as this star can rotate 600 turn in one second which is 36000 turn per minute . We can imagine a body with a diameter of 20 kilometer and its weight more than the sun can rotate with that amazing speed, Sure it worth to be mentioned in Qur'an and god swear with it?

6. The word (pierce) in Arabic also means (bright) or (shining), scientists had found that these stars are the most shining stars in universe. Scientists are amazed about the arise of these stars as they are surrounded by huge amount of cosmic smoke as it suddenly appear and light what is around it.

This means that the koranic word has more than one meaning, as the word (pierce) means to penetrate things and also means it is so bright and both are correct, so scientists are using more than one word to describe these stars where the Qur'an use only one word. Glory to god!

7. One may say: who told you that these stars are really existed? It is possible that these facts may be changed in the future, so how can we understand that? In fact these piercing stars are real as we see it in a colored images, with no doubt, even if we discovered new things and a new development may occur, this noble verse still be true and is identical with the scientific facts, and a new meanings for this verse would be appear, and that is one of the miracles of Qur'an that the Qur'an is typical identified with the certain science.

(Figure 7) A photo for the neutron star in galaxy M84 and because of the rotation speed of that star a Whirlpool had occurred in the surrounded cosmic smoke. Source NASA

8. Also one may say :sound couldn't be emitted in empty space as it needs a medium like air or water , so how scientists were able to hear that sound? The emitted frequency of that star is in the audible field, when these radiation are transferred to vibrations, its frequencies would be audible as a hammer. Scientists say:

"The frequencies of the pulsars are similar to the frequencies of sound waves that can be heard by the human ear".

Here we can notice some more miracles. As the Qur'an talks about a sound which no one can hear it in direct, and that sound is not circulated in space, and we don't feel with it. My question to who may say that this Qur'an is made by Mohamed (peace be upon Him): from where did Mohamed get his information and put it in a scientific form which are identical with the cosmic explorations? Only if Mohamed is a messenger by god with taking into consideration that Mohamed is illiterate.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


1- Pulsars,

2- The Discovery of Pulsars,, 23rd December 2002.

3- The Sounds of Pulsars,, 2001.

4- Magnetars: Special Stars With That Attractive Charm,, June 2006.

5- Neutron Stars,, 10th December 2002.


7- Pulsars That Rock Space and Time,, 02 September 2003.

8- Neutrinos,


10- Formation of the High Mass Elements,

11- Starquake May Reveal Inside of a Neutron Star,

12- NASA Sees Hidden Structure Of Neutron Star In Starquake,

13- Simon Shaw, ACCRETING MILLISECOND PULSARS, PDRF School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, UK.
قديم 03-03-2014, 04:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

I finished the subject

Astronomy & Space

Starts from Reply No. 32 and ending refund the No. 108
Page 11

Tomorrow, allah willing, complete
قديم 05-03-2014, 07:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Earth Science

علوم الارض


The Earth’s Water

he radius of the earth is Talmost 6,400 km and its medial crustal thickening is 30 km below the continents and mountains …

he radius of the earth is Talmost 6,400 km and its medial crustal thickening is 30 km below the continents and mountains, but it becomes around 5 km below sea beds and oceans. Such layer is thin and breakable and that’s why the earth’s crust is divided into 12 plates or more. Enormous masses of seas, therefore, slip from the bottom of oceans and dive under the ground. Scientists are concerned about the loss of quantities of fresh water deep under the ground and the inability of people to make use of it. All glory to Allah, the almighty for the holy Qur’an warns against such a phenomenon and talks about the possibility of disappearance of water under the layers of the earth. Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; and We certainly are able to drain it off (with ease).” Mu’minun or the Believers: 23: 18
Allah also says in the holy Qur’an:
“Say: "See ye?- If your stream be some morning lost (in the underground earth), who then can supply you with clear-flowing water?"” Mulk: 67: 30
Shall we then return to the path of Allah, the exalted!
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

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