Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 67 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


اخر عشرة مواضيع :         متابعة للاحداث فى فلسطين المحتلة ..... تابعونا (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 13207 - عددالزوار : 349960 )           »          كتاب قضية الشعر الجاهلي في كتاب ابن سلام (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 7 - عددالزوار : 1552 )           »          الشرح الممتع للشيخ ابن عثيمين -رحمه الله-(سؤال وجواب) (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 19 - عددالزوار : 4539 )           »          العودة إلى المدارس.. نصائح وتوجيهات للآباء والأمهات (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 144 )           »          الدعاة وفقه إدارة العاطفة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 244 )           »          الدعاة بين التكتيكي والإستراتيجي (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 259 )           »          كان من أبرز تلاميذ الشيخ عبدالعزيز ابن باز -رحمه الله- الشيخ عمر بن سعود العيد في ذمة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 110 )           »          السنن الإلهية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 11 - عددالزوار : 2577 )           »          انفعالات المراهق- عندما ننظر للمراهق على أنه إنسان.. عندها فقط نعرف ما يريد (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 6 - عددالزوار : 1342 )           »          وقفات مع دعاء الاستفتاح...مقدمة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 186 )           »         

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قديم 21-02-2015, 07:46 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

A rational proof on moon splitting

Rational proofs are part of the scientific miracles in the holy Qur'an, let us read………

There were many events that occurred in front of atheists but they didn't give any obstruction about it and they accepted it without any comment, one of these events what Allah almighty said about Abû Lahab in the following verses: ( Perish the two hands of Abû Lahab (an uncle of the Prophet) and perish he* His wealth and his children will not benefit him!* He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames!*And his wife, too, who carries wood (thorns of Sa‘dân which she used to put on the way of the Prophet, or use to slander him)* In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (palm fibre))( Sûrat Al-Masad-verse1-5), when He almighty promised Abû Lahab that he will be burnt in Fire as he will die as an atheist, in fact it was a challenge for all human as this Sûrat was descended at the beginning of Islam and many years before the death of Abû Lahab, and Abû Lahab heard that verse many times but he didn't think to enter Islam as by that action the whole religion might be destroyed but the one who said that verse is not a human but He is Allah who knows past, present and the future who knows defiantly that Abû Lahab will never believe with prophet Mohamed(peace be upon him).

Also Abû Lahab was the uncle of the Prophet and if Mohamed was the author of the Qur'an (as disbelievers and atheists want to believe), the prophet might promise him to enter the heaven because of the relatively between both of them but Allah almighty is the one who descended Qur'an.

Also, in another event Allah almighty tells us about very strange cosmic phenomenon which is the splitting of the moon as He almighty says: (The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (the people of Makah requested Prophet Muhammad to show them a miracle, so he showed them the splitting of the moon).* And if they see a sign, they turn away, and say: "This is continuous magic."* They belied (the Verses of Allah - this Qur'an), and followed their own lusts. And every matter will be settled (according to the kind of deeds: good deeds will take their doers to Paradise, and similarly evil deeds will take their doers to Hell).)(Sûrat Al-Qamar-verse 1-3)

In fact, when this verse was descended, no one in Makah from atheists and disbelievers did say that Mohamed is a liar, but they accepted what the prophet said because they indeed saw the splitting of the moon by their naked eyes and that was by many groups in different places.

So that disbelievers didn't say he is a liar but they said it is a (continuous magic), on the other side if the believers didn't see this phenomenon and heard some verses about it , they may be doubted about their prophet and the religion of Islam, but they indeed saw that event by their eyes.

Also, another proof that the splitting of the moon was definitely happened is that the companions of the prophet used to ask him about the meaning of verses of Qur'an and the different events which happened in the past during the 23 years of life of the prophet in Islam but they didn’t ask him any question because by logic they saw that event by their eyes.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

- Lecture for Sheikh Abdul Majid al Zindani
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:47 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Scientific signs in the story of prophet "Lût"

In this story there are many scientific facts which prove that Islam is the right religion, let us read and thank Allah for the blessing of Islam ……

Story of prophet "Lût" (Peace be upon him)

Prophet "Lût" lived in a village where its people were practicing adultery and he used to advice them to stop that but they were refusing to respond. So that he decided to go away of them and worship Allah. Then Allah chose him to be His prophet to those people to order them to obey and worship Allah the only God.

Allah says:(And (remember) Lût (Lot), when he said to his people: "Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the‘آlamîn(mankind and jinn)?)(Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse 80).

Those people were doing the worst sin by practicing adultery with each others (Man and Man) and (woman and woman) which called today homosexuality

And they refused to talk to him even to listen and their answer was the same every time he calls them to believe, as Allah says: (And the answer of his people was only that they said: "Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!") (Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse 82) so, what happened?

Allah sent to him some people as guests, those people were not human but they were angels, when the people of the village knew that some nice men came, they decided to practice the adultery with them. But when they arrived the angels told prophet "Lût" what Allah tells us in the Qur'an: (They (messengers) said: "O Lût (Lot)! Verily, we are the messengers from your Lord! They shall not reach you! So travel with your family in a part of the night, and let not any of you look back; but your wife (will remain behind), verily, the punishment which will afflict them, will afflict her. Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near?")(Sûrat Hûd-verse81).

Immediately,prophet "Lût" respond to Allah and started to go out of the village with his family and when they were out of the village Allah almighty started to send down His torment on the village also on the wife of "Lût" because she used to accept the work" adultery" of the people of the village.

Allah's torment was by sending rains of stones on those people but the wife refused to listen to the order of Allah as she turned behind to see what happened to the people so that she was injured by these stones and died. Allah says: (Then we saved him and his family, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind (in the torment)* and we rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists and sinners).
) (Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse 83-84).

Psychobiological disorders is an effect of homosexuality

The scientists noticed that the white matter is rare in the brain of homosexual people; the white matter is the tissue through which messages pass between different areas of gray matter within the nervous system. So the brain of the people who suffers that decrease became unable to make coordination between the cells, as a result the homosexual will be affected by Dementia or Alzheimer.

The decrease of the white matter causes a huge disorder in the brain working mechanism so that homosexual people are unable to take right decisions and they tend to be violent, also they are affected by many psychological diseases, the same as a blind man who don't know what to do, Allah says about people of "Lût": ((Verily, by your life), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.)

(Sûrat A-Hijr-verse72)

In many western countries, it is common to see a man lives with another man and also a woman lives with a woman as husbands and wives. The modern statistics say that violence is common between homosexual persons which are 18 times more than what happens between Heterosexual persons.

The researchers confirm that the relation between those homosexual people don't continue more than 2 or 3 years which is evidence that any practice against Allah's nature will not continue or fruit.

AIDS is a result of adultery

AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors.

HIV is transmitted through anal, vaginal, oral ***, and blood transfusion,

AIDS is now a pandemic. In 2007, it was estimated that 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and that AIDS killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children.

Although treatments for AIDS and HIV can slow the course of the disease, there is currently no vaccine or cure.

Scientists say that due to the difficulty in treating HIV infection, preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS pandemic, with health organizations promoting safe *** in attempts to slow the spread of the virus.

Recently in a published research, scientists discovered a new type of bacteria which called MRSA.

MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, but is shorthand for any strain of Staphylococcus bacteria which is resistant to one or more conventional antibiotics.

Researchers believe that the MRSA may cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; also this kind of bacteria can be found where homosexual persons are living such as "Castro district" in San Francisco in the United States. Also they added that the ratio of infected people by MRSA in homosexual men is 13 times than in Heterosexual men.

Doctors say that 20 years ago clinicians began noticing what has come to be called "gay bowel syndrome," a collection of intestinal and rectal complaints that frequently plague gay men. Many of these illnesses stem from infection by fecal bacteria following anal ***--specifically, anal intercourse, analingus, and fellatio following anal intercourse. Some heterosexual couples (estimates range from 5 to 27 percent) also engage in anal ***, and they're at risk too.

Homosexuality and purity

Scientists confirm that homosexuality contribute in transferring viruses and bacteria between homosexual persons, so that prophet "Lût" and his family were keen to purify themselves and to be away from homosexual people, Allah says: (And the answer of his people was only that they said: "Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!")(Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse82), is this verse a sign that homosexuality is against purity.

Today we find doctors ask people to wash after any sexual practice, in Islam Allah almighty ordered us to wash after practicing *** and also He almighty made this as a condition for prayer , Allah says: ( If you are in a state of Janâba (i.e. after a sexual discharge), purify yourselves (bathe your whole body))(Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah-verse 6).

The Way of Allah

Allah almighty punish any one commits these sins by sending stones of baked clay, Allah says And we turned (the towns of Sodom in Palestine) upside down and rained down on them stones of baked clay.)(SûratAl-Hijr-verse 74).

This is the way of Allah which will never change as what happened with the people of "Lût" happened again with the people of Pompeii.

Pompeii is an old roman city that lived in a lot of luxury. God gave people of this city a lot of graces such as the best crops, a lot of rains and many natural resources. But the people of that city were doing adultery and homosexuality and they were so proud with that. Also they used to draw pornographic pictures on walls in front of all people; researchers believe that art of pornography started in this dissolute city.

One day, people of Pompeii was celebrating god of fire day , but suddenly and without any kind of warning a volcanic eruption occurred which released a lot of lava. As a result, people tried to escape but all of them were killed immediately and the city was disappeared .also their bodies were covered with lava and these covered bodies had transferred after many years to be fossilized rocks. Allah says:(So we seized them all of a sudden while they were unaware) (Sûrat Al-A‘râf – verse 95).

Scenes of torment

A real photo for an inhabitant of Pompeii .the body was transferred to be fossilized rock. This punishment is in this life but in the hereafter punishment is strong and last forever, god says And thus do We requite him who transgresses beyond bounds [i.e. commits the great sins and disobeys his Lord (Allah) and believes not in His Messengers, and His revealed Books, like this Qur’an], and believes not in the Ayât(proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord; and the torment of the Hereafter is far more severe and more lasting.) (Sûrat Tâ-Hâ- verse 127)

Another body, Allah wills to let all people see what happened to those wrong doers. Indeed what happened to the people of that city is totally identical with the following verse, God be He blessed and exalted says So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened for them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them (in punishment), so! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows.* so the root of the people who did wrong was cut off. And all the praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of the آlamîn(mankind, jinn, and all that exists) (Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 44-45).

Finally, let us read this eloquent verses which tells us a whole story in just few words , Allah saysThe people of Lût (Lot) (-who dwelt in the town of Sodom in Palestine) belied the Messengers.* When their brother Lût (Lot) said to them: "Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? * "Verily I am a trustworthy Messenger to you. *"So fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me. * "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islamic Monotheism); my reward is only from the Lord of the ‘آlamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists). * "Go you in unto the males of the ‘آlamîn (mankind), * "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!" *They said: "If you cease not O Lût (Lot)! Verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!" * He said: "I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy). *"My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do." * So we saved him and his family, all, * except an old woman (his wife) among those who remained behind. *Then afterward we destroyed the others. * And we rained on them a rain (of torment). And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned! * Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers. *And verily your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.)(Sûrat Ash-Shu‘arâ-verse160-175).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


4. Statistics Canada, Canada's National Statistical Agency, July 7, 2005)

5. - Salvatore Ciro Nappo, Pompeii: Its Discovery and Preservation,

6. - 2005 National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.

7. an article in the following link:
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Magnificent scientific signs in the story of prophet "Nûh"

For many years , human are trying to discover rains mechanism till recent days after the discovery of secret of rains as it starts by evaporation of water …

For many years , human are trying to discover rains mechanism till recent days after the discovery of secret of rains as it starts by evaporation of water vapor atoms from seas and oceans which goes up to high altitudes where the temperature is around zero soit condenses to form clouds and then rains.

At the time of descending of the Qur'an no one knew this reality, but in the story of prophet "Nûh" there are many signs as Nûh waited 950 years to make his people to believe in Allah the only God and only creator but they didn’t believe and then Allah ordered him to made a ship which will hold only believers, some animals, birds and plants.

Rains are from earth

After the heavy rains and after the emergence of springs , the flood came and drowned disbelievers and atheists but Allah Almighty rescued prophet "Nûh" and the believers with him, Allah says: (And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." And the water was made to subside and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Nûh (Noah). And it (the ship) rested on (Mount) Jûdî, and it was said: "Away with the people who are Zalimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers)!")(Sûrat Hûd- verse 44).

In this verse a nice sign for a scientific reality when Allah ordered the earth to swallow water. It means that the water goes up toward the sky to form rains and it returns back inside the earth.

Explosion of springs

In hydrology there is a scientific fact that water underground is under pressure but rocks surround it, if the pressure increases water flow suddenly from earth as an explosion.

We have to mention that scientists use the word explosion when they talk about emergence of springs from the ground, Allah says: (The people of Nûh (Noah) denied (their Messenger) before them. They rejected our slave, and said: "A madman!" and he were insolently rebuked and threatened.*then he invoked his Lord (saying): "I have been overcome, so help (me)!"* So we opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring forth.* and we caused springs to gush forth from the earth. So the waters (of the heaven and the earth) met for a matter predestined.*and we carried him on a (ship) made of planks and nails* floating under Our Eyes: a reward for him who had been rejected!)(Sûrat Al-Qamar- verse 9-14).

Water gushes forth from earth as springs explode to form lakes, height of water may reach one hundred meter

Oven gushed forth

When we see boiling water out of a spring, it means that the spring is going to explode .Allah says in the story of prophet "Nûh"((So it was) till when Our Command came and the oven gushed forth (water like fountains from the earth). We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two (male and female), and your family - except him against whom the Word has already gone forth - and those who believe. And none believed with him, except a few.") (Sûrat Hûd- verse 40).

Waves like mountains

Allah says: (So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst waves like mountains, and Nûh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart): "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers.")(Sûrat Hûd- verse 42).

In the phrase "waves like mountains" a sign that waves were so high, it means that there was hurricane and strong winds.The koranic likening refers to the height of the waves which could be hundreds of meters which is an indication that what happened in that story was extraordinary.

Height of waves in seas and oceans could reach tens of meters but the height was about hundreds of meters in the story of prophet "Nûh" which means that it was extraordinary event

Sermons from the story of prophet "Nûh"

We can extract many sermons from that story as the flowing:

1. The Qur'an is a book which is not like any other book as it contains many sermons that people must benefit from it, one of these benefits is that as Allah Almighty saved "Nûh" and the believers of his people , He Almighty will save all believers without exceptions. Allah says: (Then (in the end) we save Our Messengers and those who believe! Thus it is incumbent upon us to save the believers) (Sûrat Yûnus-verse103).

2. Prophet "Nûh" was patient with his people as he used to call them to Allah the only creator for 950 years. Allah says: (He said: "O my Lord! Verily, I have called to my people night and day (i.e. secretly and openly to accept the doctrine of Islamic Monotheism),* "But all my calling added nothing but to (their) flight (from the truth).*And verily, every time I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride.)(Sûrat Nûh-verse 5-7) .Also we have to be patient with others while inviting them to Islam.

3. Prophet "Nûh" used to warn his people from the hereafter and from the big torment of Allah at day of resurrection, Allah says: (Indeed, We sent Nûh (Noah) to his people and he said: "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilâh (God) but Him. (Lâ ilâha illallâh: none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!")(Sûrat Al-A‘râf -verse 59).

Benefits of asking for forgiveness

Prophet "Nûh" advised his people many times to ask Allah for forgiveness, He Almighty says: ("I said (to them): ‘Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft-Forgiving;*He will send rain to you in abundance*and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers.)(Sûrat Nûh-verse 10-12).

This is evidence that who asks forgiveness from Allah, He Almighty will give him or her many things such as:

1. He will forgive for anyone asks for forgiveness.

2. He will send the rain to people in abundance.

3. He will increase in wealth of people who ask for forgiveness.

4. He will increase in children of people who ask for forgiveness.

5. He will bestow gardens and rivers of those who ask for forgiveness.

Heaven is an evidence for the ultimate power of Allah

Prophet "Nûh" used a scientific technique to call his people to Allah as he ordered them to look at the heavens above, the moon as a light and the sun as a lamp. Allah says: (See you not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another? *and has made the moon a light therein, and made the sun a lamp?)(Sûrat Nûh-verse 15-16).

The modern science had proved that the moon reflects light of sun as it has no ability for lighting like sun which posses the ability to light because its tremendous heat and the internal nuclear explosion.

Prophet "Nûh" used the scientific miracles in his calling to Allah. Don't we use the same technique while inviting people to Islam?

"Nûh" made the ship

Prophet "Nûh" asked Allah to give him a victory on disbelievers , then Allah had ordered him to build a ship because He Almighty wanted to sank disbelievers as a punishment for atheism and disbelieving , Allah says: (And it was revealed to Nûh (Noah): "None of your people will believe except those who have believed already. So be not sad because of what they used to do.* "And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Revelation, and call not upon me on behalf of those who did wrong; they are surely to be drowned.")(Sûrat Hûd -verse 36-37).

People of Nûh used to mock at him

Prophet "Nûh" started to build the ship in the village where there is no sea, so that the people started to mock at him and laugh, Allah says: ( And as he was constructing the ship, whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they mocked at him. He said: "If you mock at us, so do we mock at you likewise for your mocking.* "And you will know who it is on whom will come a torment that will cover him with disgrace and on whom will fall a lasting torment.") (Sûrat Hûd -verse 38-39).

Allah's order had arrived

Allah Almighty gave Prophet "Nûh" a sign to be ready for departure, the sign was that water like fountains started to gush forth from the earth, Allah says: ((So it was) till when Our Command came and the oven gushed forth (water like fountains from the earth). We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two (male and female), and your family - except him against whom the Word has already gone forth - and those who believe. And none believed with him, except a few.") (Sûrat Hûd -verse 40).

And Nûh said: Embark therein

After the water (water like fountains) had started to gush forth from the earth, prophet Nûh knew that the order was descended to move so he ordered his people to embark in the ship also the animals and plants , when he was on board he said as Allah Almighty tells us And he [Nûh said]: "Embark therein: in the Name of Allah will be its (moving) course and its (resting) anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.") (Sûrat Hûd -verse 41).Hence we Muslims have to start any practice by saying" in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."

The flood came

Allah Almighty ordered rains to descend and springs to explode so that the flood started; Allah Almighty describes that scene by saying: (So we opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring forth.* and we caused springs to gush forth from the earth. So the waters (of the heaven and the earth) met for a matter predestined.)(Sûrat Al-Qamar-verse 11-12).

Son of Nûh is disbeliever

Nûh is the prophet of Allah but his son was disbeliever, the son was refusing to obey his father and he insisted to obey atheists and disbelievers, despite that his father asked him to go with him on board of the ship but the son refused and went with his companions, Allah says about that scene So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst waves like mountains, and Nûh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart): "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers."* (The son) replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain; it will save me from the water." Nûh (Noah) said: "This day there is no survivor from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy." And waves came in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned.)(Sûrat Hûd-verse42-43).

Flood was finished

Rains stopped, also explosions of springs and earth started to swallow water. After that the ship anchored on a mountain called "mountain Jûdî" Allah say: (And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." And the water was made to subside and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Nûh (Noah). And it (the ship) rested on (Mount) Jûdî, and it was said: "Away with the people who areZalimûn(polytheists and wrong-doers)!")(Sûrat Hûd-verse44), this is the end of polytheists and wrong-doers.

Nûh calls Allah

After the flood finished, prophet Nûh remembers his son who drowned with others and he calls Allah. Allah says: (And Nûh (Noah) called upon his Lord and said, "O my Lord! Verily, my son is of my family! And certainly, Your Promise is true, and you are the Most Just of the judges.") (Sûrat Hûd-verse45). But Allah warns Nûh and told him that his son is disbeliever, He almighty says: (He said: "O Nûh (Noah)! Surely, he is not of your family; verily, his work is unrighteous, so ask not of me that of which you have no knowledge! I admonish you lest you should be one of the ignorant.) (Sûrat Hûd -verse46)Here, prophet Nûh felt that he requested a wrong request; he repented and asked God for forgiveness. Allah says: (Nûh (Noah) said: "O my Lord! I seek refuge with you from asking you that of which I have no knowledge. And unless you forgive me and have Mercy on me, I will indeed be one of the losers.")(Sûrat Hûd-verse47).

Supplication of Nûh

At the end Nûh supplicated Allah by a great supplication, Allah told us about this wonderful supplication, Allah says: ("My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women. And to the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, and disbelievers) grant you no increase but destruction!")(Sûrat Nûh-verse 28).also prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) used to say: "My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and bless them as they care about me when I was a child". Shouldn't we follow those great prophets? Allah says: (Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. It (the Qur'an) is not a forged statement but a confirmation of (Allah's existing Books) which were before it [i.e. the Taurât (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel) and other Scriptures of Allâh] and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a Mercy for the people who believe.)(Sûrat Yûsuf-verse111).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


1. National geographic.
2. British encyclopedia.
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:50 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Scientific facts about day of resurrection

In this research we are going to make a scientific analysis for many events in day of resurrection to prove that the Qur'an doesn’t contradict with science and the scientific realities

Day of resurrection is the most important day for all human being and Allah almighty with His mercy is visualizing that day for us as if we are seeing it.

Therefore the last descended verse from Allah almighty on His prophet was the following verse: (And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.)(Sûrat Al-Baqarah-verse281).

Hence, all of us must be ready for that day and should know that all people will stand in front of their God as He will ask them about their deeds (Good and Bad) as He almighty says to us: (And verily this (the Qur'an) is indeed a Reminder for you (O Muhammad) and your people (Quraish people, or your followers), and you will be questioned (about it).)(Sûrat Az-Zukhruf-verse44), but atheists think that when they die, everything will be finished.

Allah almighty use the scientific realities and swear by cosmic phenomena that day of judgment will defiantly come and He says And they will find all that they did, placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice.)

(Sûrat Al-Kahf-verse49).

But again, atheists will deny these verses as they only believe in the scientific realities as some of those people may wonder about the following verse: (And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "Allah has caused us to speak as He causes all things to speak: and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return.")(Sûrat Fussilat-verse21) how can our skin speaks and testifies against us?

Allah almighty says Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide) (Sûrat Ar-Rahmân -verse37), in this verse Allah tells us about a scene in day of resurrection as the heaven will rent asunder and will become like a red flower, recently, the scientists had discovered that some stars millions of light years far from us are exploded which resulted what we see in the above photo. The photo looks like a red flower which is the same as what Allah told us in the Qur'an 1400 years ago.

What we see is not an image of what will happen in the day of resurrection but it is just a representation of what will happen.

In another verse Allah says about another scene of day of resurrection: (When the sun is wound round and its light is lost and is overthrown)(Sûrat At-Takwîr-verse 1), indeed we can't see the sun is wound round but we can see thousands of stars die and collapse in the space which is another small representation of what will happen.

Also Allah says about what will happen in day of resurrection that sun and moon will be clustered together , Allah says: (And the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).)(Sûrat Al-Qiyâmah-verse 9).

Today scientists tell us about a new research which talks about the probability of sun to swallow moon and they maybe joined together. Indeed this will not be the day of resurrection but from the scientific point of view it can be happened.

Allah says: (And when the seas become as blazing Fire or overflow) (Sûrat At-Takwîr-verse 6), also in this life we will not see that happening, but in many areas in the world we can see a small scene of what will happen in the day of resurrection as in the deep of seas there are cracks where the lava flow out of it which heat the water up to 1000 degree. In another verse Allah almighty swear by this phenomenon by saying: (And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection).* Verily, the Torment of your Lord will surely come to pass.)(Sûrat At-Tûr-verse6-7).

Here, we have to realize that Allah almighty talks with us in a scientific ******** because what Allah tells us in Qur'an about scenes of day of resurrection can be founded in this world but in a small representation.

Also in this verse a link between the scientific facts and torment of Allah , as in the bottom of oceans there is a circle called the fire circle which is surrounded by a circle of thousands of kilometers of lava as if the ocean is burning, again Allah says: (And by the sea kept filled (or it will be fire kindled on the Day of Resurrection).* Verily, the Torment of your Lord will surely come to pass.)(Sûrat At-Tûr-verse6-7). The divine statement made a wonderful link between the burning sea and the divine torment but the torment in day of resurrection is definitely huge.

Also if we look attentively at the previous verses, we find that any explosion starts with an increase in temperature which is the heating phase and that will be followed by the explosion. Allah says in Sûrat At-Takwîr (And when the seas become as blazing Fire or overflow) (Sûrat At-Takwîr -verse 6) and then in the next Sûrat Allah says: (And when the seas are burst forth)(Sûrat Al-Infitâr-verse 3).

Form this sequence we can understand why Allah said blazing Fire first and said burst forth after that, He almighty wants to let the belief to go inside our hearts and not to believe atheists and disbelievers who say that Mohamed had forgot so that one time he says blazing Fire and another time says seas are burst forth.

Allah almighty says: (When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake.*and when the earth throws out its burdens.)(Sûrat Az-Zalzalah-verse1-2), look at the word burdens which means that inside earth there are burdens. Scientists say that if we descend down earth, the density increases so that the deeper the earth the heavier its contents. Glory to Allah! Who told that illiterate man about this scientific reality?

What is meant by these scientific facts?

Human brain is limited, so that Allah almighty wants to visualize events of day of resurrection to us so that we obey Him and adhere to be away of sins and wrong behaviors. For example Allah created for us milk and honey to make us believe in heaven when He almighty told us in many verses that people in heaven will drink from rivers full of honey and milk.

The most important point that every one must understand is that we study scientific miracles in Qur'an and Sunnah not to strengthen our faith but to encourage ourselves to look attentively around us to believe in Allah almighty the one God and only creator. Allah says about believers: (and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to you! (Exalted are you above all that they associate with you as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.)(Sûrat آl-‘Imrân-verse 191).

Therefore we must respond to Allah and to study different types of sciences such as chemistry, physics, astronomy and seas, etc…….


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


1- McGowen, Tom. Radioactivity: From the Curies to the Atomic Age, Watts, 1986.

2- Robinson, M.R. Our Universe, Scientific American, 1993.

3- A. Nordlund, P. Padoan, Star Formation and the Initial Mass Function, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2003.

4- E Papantonopoulos, The Physics of the Early Universe, Springer,2005.

5- Earthquake Facts and Statistics,, 01 October 2007.

7- Scientists Catch Underwater Volcanic Eruption "In Action" in Pacific Ocean Depths, The National Science Foundation, November 27, 2006.
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:52 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Day of resurrection will not come until the earthquakes happen frequently

Earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes and global warming, all of these are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection …

Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said: (Day of resurrection will not come until the earthquakes happen frequently) (Narrated by AL-Bukhari).

Dear brothers and sisters, Prophet Mohamed who was living in desert told us this Hadith 1400 years ago when no one at that time knew anything about the earthquakes distribution map.

But it's God's mercy to give human these signs as a warning and as a reminder to correct any deviation and to do what His creator ordered him to do. Allah says: (Do they only wait for the Hour (Day of resurrection) that it shall come upon them suddenly, while they perceive not?)(Sûrat Az-Zukhruf-verse 66), atheists and disbelievers are the meant people by this verse but the believers are always alert from the coming of day of judgment as Allah says about them: (Is one who is obedient to Allah, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah's Signs and Verses)) (Sûrat AZ-Zumar- verse 9).

Today we see many earthquakes all over the world that kill thousands of people therefore I wanted to draw your attention to a clear sign for the imminence of day of judgment, so that we may deviate our behavior and obey Allah to run away from sins and wrong deeds and to do what He almighty had ordered us to do: (And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness). So fear Me, O men of understanding!)(Sûrat Al-Baqarah-verse 197).

The tsunami isa manifestation of the earthquake as it happens at the bottom of the ocean which causes a powerful tide waves that hit beaches, destroy houses and kill people. Despite the technology ,human is unable to predict the tsunami which mean that Allah's torment comes suddenly with no warning , Allah says: (And they ask you to hasten on the torment (for them): and had it not been for a term appointed, the torment would certainly have come to them. And surely, it will come upon them suddenly while they perceive not!)(Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût-verse 53).

Before we see the different phases of the tsunami we have to define it first:

A Tsunami is a series of waves, or "wave trains," usually triggered by an earthquake.

Phase 1

An earthquake happens which is caused by a collision of the plate tectonics that form the surface of earth.

The world's earthquakes are not randomly distributed over the Earth's surface. They tend to be concentrated in narrow zones

Phase 2

The earthquake release energy into water which produce a perpendicularly returns at the bottom of the sea which moves the water from its position.

The earthquake under the sea pushes the water upwards gently and smoothly


Then, a large amount of waves start to move away from the center of the earthquake.

The waves underwater moves naturally and no one may feel anything unusual

Phase 4

Waves start to move toward the shore and when the wave enters the shallow water, it slows down and its amplitude (height) increase.

People on the shore still don't feel anything unusual as waves move quietly

Phase 5

This resort had got only one warning as the water on the beach started to decrease which means that a huge waves are coming soon.

No one on the beach felt with that decrease but the surprise happened suddenly

Phase 6

The tsunami waves started to hit the beach in term of groups between 5 and 40 minutes, the water covered one kilometer inside the resort which caused huge destruction in properties and killed thousands of people.

Human Casualties was about 250000 dead and thousands of properties were destroyed

After the above we can see that the earthquake happens suddenly, hurricanes happen suddenly, and volcano happens suddenly, is it evidence that the Qur'an is sincere? Allah tells us that His torment comes suddenly.

He almighty speaks to inattentive people and says: (And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, do what it orders you to do and keep away from what it forbids), before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not!)(Sûrat AZ-Zumar- verse 55) also Allah says: (Do they then await (anything) other than the Hour, that it should come upon them suddenly? But some of its portents (indications and signs) have already come; and when it (actually) is on them, how can they benefit then by their reminder?)(Sûrat Muhammad- verse18). The previous verse confirms that day of resurrection is coming and it is so near …. Don't we repent to Allah and obey His orders? Allah says: (Will they not turn with repentance to Allah and ask His Forgiveness? For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.)(Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah-verse 74).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Source of the photos: BBC website
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:53 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

"And carve out homes in the mountains"

There are many historical miracles in the Qur'an as Allah almighty told us about some historical events which

There are many historical miracles in the Qur'an as Allah almighty told us about some historical events which were discovered lately and no one at the time of the descending of the Qur'an had got any knowledge about it ………………..

Allah almighty told us in the Qur'an about the civilization of " Thamûd", the people of this civilization did transgress beyond bounds in the lands so that Allah almighty had destroyed them.

The main characteristic of this civilization is building houses in mountains as it was really an amazing technique of building in the Arab land, look at the following photos that demonstrate the remaining of this civilization:

The miracle in these photos is that the Qur'an told us about the people of "Thamûd" in an accurate description and how they build these buildings.
Allah says about the people of "Thamûd": (And to Thamûd (people, we sent) their brother Sâlih. He said: "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no otherIlâh(God) but Him. (Lâ ilâha illallâh: none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). Indeed there has come to you a clear sign (the miracle of the coming out of a huge she-camel from the midst of a rock) from your Lord. This she-camel of Allah is a sign unto you; so you leave her to graze in Allah's earth, and touch her not with harm, lest a painful torment should seize you*And remember when He made you successors after ‘آd (people) and gave you habitations in the land, you build for yourselves palaces in plains, and carve out homes in the mountains. So remember the graces (bestowed upon you) from Allah, and do not go about making mischief on the earth.")(Sûrat Al-A‘râf- verse 73-74).
Also He almighty says in another verse: (Thamûd (people) belied the Messengers*when their brother Sâlih said to them: "Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? * "I am a trustworthy Messenger to you * "So fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me * "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islamic Monotheism); my reward is only from the Lord of the ‘آlamîn(mankind, jinn and all that exists) * "Will you be left secure in that which you have here?* "In gardens and springs * And green crops (fields) and date-palms with soft spadix * "And you hew out in the mountains, houses with great skill * "So fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me *"And follow not the command of Al-Musrifûn[i.e. their chiefs: leaders who were polytheists, criminals and sinners] * "Who make mischief in the land, and reform not.")(Sûrat Ash-Shu‘arâ-verse 141-152).
Finally, we say that these texts are clear evidence that there is a historical miracle in the Qur'an.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:54 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Convergence of markets

Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him) told Muslims 1400 years ago about some future events that really happened today as we see in our life, let us read ….

Allah almighty says about day of resurrection: (Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allah, then Allah's Term is surely coming and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower* And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, Allah stands not in need of any of the ‘آlamîn (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).)(Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût- verse 5-6) so that all of us must be ready for that day.

Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said about that dayday of resurrection will not come before the emergence of trials , lying increases, Convergence of markets and convergence of time ){Narrated by Ahmed}, in this noble Hadith the prophet told his companions about some future events that will happen and these events are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he spoke about these events at the time when Islam was weak and the prophet and his companions were striving to spread that religion but he was speaking as if he was living with us and see what is happening.

In that Hadith there are four miracles which represent our reality nowadays:

1. Emergence of trials

Look at what is happening in many Muslim countries: wars, fighting and conflicts on power …..All of these are happening in Muslim countries, why? Because we became away from principles of Islam and orders of Allah almighty, as a result we see these trials around us.

2. lying increases

Scientists all over the world are working hard to reveal lying and they are spending thousands of millions to invent an effective lying detection machine, also we see a lot of lying in newspapers and TV news around us as lying became an ordinary behavior around us. All of these weren't exist at the time of the prophet.

3. Convergence of markets

Nowadays, in all countries all over the world we see a lot of markets as we can see a market between two markets and this phenomenon wasn't exist at the time of the prophet.

4. convergence of time

in the past message used to take days and months to reach its destination but now we can send a message in a few seconds , also the news are flying between countries of the world in less than a second …isn't a convergence of time?

At the end we ask a simple question, who told that illiterate man about some future events and who told him that it will happen as he said that it will happen and didn’t say it may happen?...Indeed Allah almighty is the doer.

It is time for atheists to think and make a recalculation for their beliefs as they must understand and realize that Allah almighty is the source of this information as divine evidence that message of Islam is sincere.

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:55 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

"Sons of adultery" a new phenomenon

A new research confirmed that percentage of unmarried western mothers is increasing and also the number of illegitimate children, let us read….
The phenomenon of sons of adultery is a clear sign that day or resurrection is near.
A new American study
40% of the American mothers are unmarried as they got their babies out of the legitimate society; a new American study had published that report. These numbers are unprecedented in the history of the United States as the report indicated that the fertility of teenagers had increased between 2005 and 2007 after years of sharp decrease.
Researchers believe that the reason behind this phenomenon is the decrease in the governmental expenditure on *** education programs in schools because these programs were keen to persuade teenagers to postpone practicing *** till marriage without any kind of concentration on the way of practicing a safe ***!!
According to that study, 22 girls of every 1000 girl are between 15 &17 years old are mothers and 74 girls of every 1000 girl are between 18 & 19 years old are also unmarried mothers.
"This is a new phenomenon" said Sara brawn the executive manager of teenagers and youth protection program; also she added that the reason could be the lack of learning programs in schools.
"Boys believe that they didn't cause any pregnancy to any girl before, so that they persuade girls to go in sexual relations with them" said Sara.
Wonderful prophetic sign
The published figures are an approximate numbers but the real numbers are more than that. We can only find this phenomenon in great countries like America and in many liberal countries like Sweden.
This phenomenon is also increasing in Muslim countries because the recent status of Muslim people who lost their personality and identity as they used to imitating all western habits and customs. But rules of Islam are controlling that increase because principles of Islam prohibit adultery, but prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) told us 1400 years ago about that phenomenon when he told his companions about a future event that will happen and will be a sign for the imminence of day of resurrection. He said before day of resurrection, numbers of Adultery sons will increase and people at that time will see men practicing sexual relations with women in the streets){narrated by Alhakem- ALtabarani}glory to Allah!! Who told prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago about a future event and the amazing thing is that nowadays all of us are seeing that event happening. Indeed Allah almighty is the one who supported His messenger by this information as a proof that the message of Islam is sincere, Allah says: (Say (O Muhammad): "O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah - to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). It is He who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad), the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad), who believes in Allah and His Words [(this Qur'an), the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and also Allah's Word: "Be!" - And he was, i.e. ‘خsâ (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary)], and follow him so that you may be guided") (Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse 158).
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

قديم 21-02-2015, 07:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The unseen miracles: Stress Makes Hair Go Gray

The most recent studies confirm that the huge psychological pressure affect the hair and makes it gray, Allah almighty tells us that hair of people at day of resurrection will become gray ….

It is a hard day which is the day of resurrection, when everyone will be waiting for judgment and Allah will execrate disbelievers and atheists.
Allah almighty says about that day: (
Then how can you avoid the punishment, if you disbelieve, on a Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) that will make the children grey-headed?)(Sûrat Al-Muzzammil-verse 17) there is a sign in this verse for the existed huge pressures in that day so that hair of children will become gray.

Some people may claim that Allah says this verse as a simplification to make people imagine the degree of difficulty of that day. But a new research had proved that hair becomes gray after facing a hard situation.

Researchers have discovered that the kind of "genotoxic stress" that does damage to DNA depletes the melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) within hair follicles that are responsible for making those pigment-producing cells. Rather than dying off, when the going gets tough, those precious stem cells differentiate, forming fully mature melanocytes themselves.

Anything that can limit the stress might stop the graying from happening, the researchers said.

The scientists discovered that hair graying, the most obvious aging phenotype, can be caused by the genomic damage response through stem cell differentiation, which suggests that physiological hair graying can be triggered by the accumulation of unavoidable DNA damage and DNA-damage response associated with aging through MSC differentiation,"

"The DNA in cells is under constant attack by exogenously- and endogenously-arising DNA-damaging agents such as mutagenic chemicals, ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation," said Emi Nishimura of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. "It is estimated that a single cell in mammals can encounter approximately 100,000 DNA damaging events per day."
Consequently, she explained, cells have elaborate ways to repair damaged DNA and prevent the lesions from being passed on to their daughter cells.

"Once stem cells are damaged irreversibly, the damaged stem cells need to be eliminated to maintain the quality of the stem cell pools," Nishimura continued. "We found that excessive genotoxic stress triggers differentiation of melanocyte stem cells." She says that differentiation might be a more sophisticated way to get rid of those cells than stimulating their death.
Nishimura's group earlier traced the loss of hair color to the gradual dying off of the stem cells that maintain a continuous supply of new melanocytes, giving hair its youthful color. Those specialized stem cells are not only lost, they also turn into fully committed pigment cells and in the wrong place.
The findings lend support to the notion that genome instability is a significant factor underlying aging in general, the researchers said. They also support the "stem cell aging hypothesis," which proposes that DNA damage to long-lived stem cells can be a major cause for the symptoms that come with age. In addition to the aging-associated stem cell depletion typically seen in melanocyte stem cells, qualitative and quantitative changes to other body stem cells have been reported in blood stem cells, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle, the researchers said. Stresses on stem cell pools and genome maintenance failures have also been implicated in the decline of tissue renewal capacity and the accelerated appearance of aging-related characteristics.

Here we have to ask some questions:

1. Why did the Qur'an speak about head's hair taking into consideration that horrible scenes in the day of resurrection will affect the entire body?

2. Who told this illiterate man (prophet Mohamed) this medical information in a time when people have only good knowledge about fighting and wars?

The answer for the first question is that the effect of any psychological pressure may be disappeared by time but the only effect that couldn't be repaired is what happens to the Stem Cells that cause the hair to be gray. Allah by that likening wants to tell us about a small part of what will happen in day of resurrection and also to tell us about medical reality as a proof that Mohamed (peace be upon him) is sincere and that the message of Islam is the true message.

Therefore the answer of the second question is clear, Allah almighty is the one who taught His messenger everything also He is the sender of that holy Qur'an.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


قديم 21-02-2015, 07:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The Rosette Nebula and split of heaven

The Qur'an described for us many cosmic photos 1400 years ago and before any human camera, let us look attentively at this tableau…

In 26 / 7 / 2007 NASA had published a photo for what is they called"Rosette Nebula" which was taken by an infrared telescope. While watching this photo we may think that we are in front of a painting of an artist who used green, red, blue and yellow colors.

Let us look at this great photo:

The Rosette Nebula looks like a flower pained by the use of shining colors, temperature on the surface of the stars inside that nebula is about 25000 degree and it is 5200 light years far from our planet, and the length of the nebula is 45 light years.

The light year is about million* million kilometers

The nebula is caused by a collection of duct and cosmic smoke which are caused by stars' explosions through billions of years; inside that nebula we can find the birth and death of some stars, so that it considered to be an era in the life of stars.

Here, we have to see how Allah almighty had described the scene of the day of resurrection as stars will collapse and heaven will split and that description is to let us to imagine what will happen at that terrible day. The collapse of heaven is similar to collapse of stars so when we see the photos of collapse of stars which produce dust and cosmic smoke we have to remember the collapse of the heaven at the day of resurrection, we will see a nice colored paint of a flower, Allah says: (Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide * Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?* So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinns as to his sin, [because they have already been known from their faces either white (dwellers of Paradise - true believers of Islamic Monotheism) or black (dwellers of Hell - polytheists; disbelievers, criminals)]*Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?)(Sûrat Ar-Rahmân-verse 37-40).

In this verse Allah speaks to atheists who deny the existence of God the creator of everything as if He is talking to them and says" just as you see these explosions and cosmic nebulas and you call it "the Rosette" and you see its wonderful colors as a paint by the use of these telescopes, definitely you will see the heaven collapsing and splitting and you will be asked for all of your deeds", isn’t the time for atheists and disbelieves to enter the stable of belief with all believers?

We ask Allah almighty to guide us to the right and straight way which is away from atheism and disbelieving.


The seen colors in the photo are not real as it is a computer work because we can't see that star without infrared, so the taken photo must be processed by computers, but if we get closer to the star we can see these wonderful colors as if it is a lovely painting.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


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