The Emergence of the Dajjaal - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


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قديم 12-02-2023, 06:15 PM
الصورة الرمزية ابوالوليد المسلم
ابوالوليد المسلم ابوالوليد المسلم غير متصل
قلم ذهبي مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2019
مكان الإقامة: مصر
الجنس :
المشاركات: 140,282
الدولة : Egypt
افتراضي The Emergence of the Dajjaal

The Emergence of the Dajjaal

Muhammad bin Saalih Al-`Uthaimeen

Linguistically, Dajjaal is derived from the word dajl, which means lying and impostering. Religiously, it refers to a man who is an imposter and who will appear during the Last Days, claiming lordship.

His emergence is established in the Sunnah as well as the Ijmaa' (consensus). The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Say: 'O Allah, verily I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the Hellfire, and I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the grave, and I seek refuge in you from the trial of Maseeh Ad-Dajjaal. And I seek refuge in you from the trial of life and death." [1]

"The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would seek refuge from him during prayer" [2]and the Muslims have agreed upon his emergence.

His story: He will emerge from a road in an area between Shaam and 'Iraaq and will begin to call the people to worship him. A majority of the people that will follow him will be from the Jews, women and Bedouins. Seventy-thousand Jews from Asfahaan (in present-day Iran) will follow him and he will travel throughout the entire earth, just as the wind blows rain in all directions, except for Makkah and Madinah, for he will be prevented from entering them.

The length of his stay will be forty days. One day will be like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week and the rest of the days will be as normal. He will bring about great trials, some of which are that he will command the heavens and it will rain and he will command the earth and it will produce vegetation. He will have with him a Garden and a Fire. However, his garden will be a fire, and his fire will be a garden.

The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) warned of him by saying: "Whosoever hears of him, then let him distance himself from him. And whosoever has him reach him, then let him recite the opening verses of Surah Kahf upon him" - or - "...let him recite the opening verses of Surah Kahf." [3]

[1] Saheeh Muslim: Book of Masjids and Places of Prayer (no. 590) from the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas (radyAllahu ‘anhu). Checking of Hadeeth and Footnotes by Ashraf Ibn 'Abdul-Maqsood.

[2] Saheeh Al-Bukhari: Book of the Call to Prayer (no. 832) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of Masjids and Places of Prayer (no. 589) from the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah (radyAllahu ‘anhaa)). Also in this section is the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radyAllahu ‘anhu) found in Saheeh Muslim (no. 588).

[3] Refer to the hadeeth of An-Nuwaas Ibn Sam'aan (radyAllahu ‘anhu) in Saheeh Muslim: Book of Tribulations (no. 2937).

سُئل الإمام الداراني رحمه الله
ما أعظم عمل يتقرّب به العبد إلى الله؟
فبكى رحمه الله ثم قال :
أن ينظر الله إلى قلبك فيرى أنك لا تريد من الدنيا والآخرة إلا هو
سبحـــــــــــــــانه و تعـــــــــــالى.

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